Systems of technical information security |Системы технической защиты информации
FinalCertification |Итоговая Аттестация

Complete the sentences with the suggested words:

   along      attributes      battery      becomes      ground      has      improve      meters      to      travel   
1. We argue that automated techniques to compare feedback from multiple collaborating sources, such as collaborative filtering between networks, can local rule sets.
2. Promoting chips based on its own architecture, rather than ARM's, distinct advantages for Intel.
3. Because companies do not have to design their own product from the up, the process will be 30 to 50 percent faster.
4. The microwaves can be considered to bounce back and forth between the walls of the pipe as they down the guide.
5. The feedback and results show effective improvements with respect standard practices.
6. Not only wallpaper visualized on the outer display it also visualize the clock, signal indicator and indicator on the outer display.
7. Our scheme provides high security with low computational and communication costs.
8. These attacks exploit the behavior of closed loop protocols such as TCP and disturb the communication process without disobeying any protocol rules, thus the detection process difficult.
9. Therefore, this study relies on queries from DNS server and proposes novel reputation to distinguish the benign and the suspicious.
10. We then designed two types of pattern strength as visual indicators of pattern strength.