Social work |Социальная работа
FinalCertification |Итоговая Аттестация

Complete the sentences with the suggested words:

   an      associated      both      constitute      emerge      how      is      need      stretch      to   
1. Local theories are very narrow and focus on only one small aspect of social life. At the other extreme, general theories attempt to explain a considerable number of social factors fit together.
2. Once the data have been gathered, the next step is to analyze this information to test hypotheses, researchers facts, statistics, and other forms of data.
3. A status is a position in a social structure (such as jobseeker or interviewer) that determines where individual "fits" in the social order.
4. Experiments with chimpanzees have shown that a rich learning environment can the genetic potential to its.
5. In essence, the family is the child's first reference group, the first group whose norms and values the child adopts as his or her own and uses evaluate his or her behavior.
6. In fact, contemporary societies are marked by rapid change in the meanings with the transition from stage to stage.
7. His ideas reflected and projected social conditions.
8. Typically, students who attend a large lecture class for a semester a secondary group.
9. Although information on earned income is often available, information about the concentration of wealth difficult to obtain.
10. The result would be open class warfare, from which the proletariat would victorious.