Физика ядра |Physics of the nucleus
Final Certification |Итоговая Аттестация

Complete the sentences with the suggested words:

   are      be      been      by      differs      during      emit      has      resulting      to   
1. Particle physics is a field that evolved out of nuclear physics and for this reason has been included under the same term in earlier times.
2. Unstable nuclei may undergo alpha decay, in which they an energetic helium nucleus, or beta decay, in which they eject an electron (or positron).
3. A heavy nucleus can contain hundreds of nucleons which means that with some approximation it can treated as a classical system, rather than a quantum-mechanical one.
4. For certain of the heaviest nuclei which produce neutrons on fission, and which also easily absorb neutrons initiate fission, a self-igniting type of neutron-initiated fission can be obtained, in a so-called chain reaction.
5. The number of particles and corresponding anti-particles created the "big-bang" was equal and most particle/anti-particle pairs annihilated.
6. All the particles and their interactions observed to date can almost be described entirely a quantum field theory called the Standard Model.
7. The interaction between nucleons bound in nuclei from the interaction between free nucleons and thus reflects their composite nature.
8. The spin-statistics theorem identifies the quantum statistics that differentiates fermions from bosons.
9. If an elementary particle truly has no substructure, then it is one of the basic building blocks of the universe from which all other particles made.
10. Quarks also carry fractional electric charges, but since they are confined within hadrons whose charges are all integral, fractional charges have never isolated.