Информатика |Informatics
Final Certification |Итоговая Аттестация

Complete the sentences with the suggested words:

   be      because      each      educate      few      marketing      mine      set      these      was   
1. Information systems are often computerized of the need to respond quickly and flexibly to queries.
2. Computers are already much smaller than they used to be, and you can’t go to an industry show days without finding some company promoting its ‘small footprint’.
3. Distributed computer systems are built using networked computers that co-operate to perform tasks. In this environment part of the networked system does what it is best at.
4. A printer using the inkjet technology accidentally discovered by an H-P scientist the year before the answer.
5. To facilitate effective management of the offshore and on-site components of the multinational team, the company has up a satellite and fiber-optic cable-based voice/data communications infrastructure, including E-mail and videoconferencing capabilities.
6. Infomediaries may work best in markets that are the most fragmented – that is, where buyers and sellers know each other the least – and a firm in a foreign market party knows the other very well.
7. Cyberspace, as the online world is known, has the potential to investors and help them become better consumers.
8. Managing the flood of data available electronically is a challenge, but capturing information from transaction data, for example, offers profitable opportunities to the data for trend spotting.
9. The Net has proved to a paragon of hothouse expansion and constant evolution.
10. The automated machinery is severely limited in flexibility (variety of products and range of sizes), but once set up, it will turn out in a days what may be a year’s supply for some markets.